Web 2.0....the newest technology breakthrough
The internet revolution that we have witnessed all through out our life is getting a new dimension soon. The web that we were all very familiar with was Web 1.0 which is soon giving way to a its new avatar Web 2.0.
The web that we were used to, with page loads and multiple time page refreshes, database hits etc will no more be there and it will be more faster and will have similar performance and speed as that of client applications. For db hits, it will not require page refresh, which will make it more faster and easier for users.
There is not one technology that is making it happen but it comprises of multiple technologies like javascript, xml, xmlhttprequest, dot net etc.
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All major free email providers are now exploiting with it to improve their service immensely.
The news that I have, Yahoo! has already developed a new version of its free email service which will have both looks and performance matching with MS Outlook client.
Amazing...to experience client application like experience in the web.
Google is also not behind.
The Web 2.0 according to many pundits, will be more interactive medium.
Web 1.0 was more publishing dependent, which means the website owner had all the informations and he published them in the web to make it visible for us.
But web 2.0, will have users contributing to the content of that owner. So each of us will contribute to the content of the site which will make it a very informative and interactive website.
The website benefits from the fact that even he sits idle, his site builds up enourmously with each passing day.
The greatest example of the evolving Web 2.0 is the Blog itself...blogger.com, where bloggers make the site with their informations....even designs them with editing html, Blogger.com only manages the site.
I am highly excited with this evolution...and I am having a close look as it unruffles.
We live in interesting times.
Absolutely...no questions
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